back frm prayers...onli me n fadhil go..dn ahmad came...haish..onli 3 ppl...haiz...morn at staircase near gt 1 dead mynah...its so..NICE man...haha..alot of d gals dun dare wok dere...d bird...its head is off d body...its body was beyond recognition...almoz of the body parts r disattached...u cn c wings on 1 side n d legs is on the other...bt oso quite pityful oso ah...bt d mysterious part is dt hw d bird can die so badly...i guess dt it may have injured its wing at lvl 4 dn it fall down onto lvl 1...it cn oso b dt sum1 might hav jz killed it...anyting's possible..so i joked wif ainon dt maybe wen she die,she oso bcum like dt..haha..wishd dt i hv taken d picture of it..haha..recess ate lauk lemak ngn bergedel...its so nice dt wen we eat,we sweat n our nose start running...d feeling is juz so SHIOK...haha...2dae mr chan laz dae..aftr dt he chnge sch...nw at hme,mum oso cook same...imagine dt..my stomach gonna explode wif cili padi man...haha..nw i tink d toilet is calling me man...haha..haiz ltr,going 2 sch again..so troublesome..muz hand in d OARS form...hope dt i can gt it successfully...god plz help me...so dtz all...chowz....2 toilet...hahasud i believe in it man?::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 2:24 PM:.
hmm...2dae..act went 2 sch l8 cz i laz minit gosok u...dn during choice gt praised by ms ng..she sae my maths improving..hehe..so hapi...haha...dn go d ncc...d part c damn slack man...haiz...worst still moz r nt in uni4m...haiz...deir attendance getting worse dae by dae...ransacked d cupboard..found lots of treasure man...dn azri use d speaker use it..opened d mr bean song champ league song...haha...quite funi...haha...d rcy gt bbq sey..dn azri kept commenting abt d olc..haha....went hme ard 645...tuk bus wif nas n 2-6..haha...dey gt d chemistry man..n dey r jz rite 4 each oder...haha..lucky 2dae dey do dier own stuff without disturbing us..haha...kecian finna..haha..kene basuh baju...lucky use machine...teach ur sis ah hw 2 use dn u won't have much tingz 2 do at hme...kecian dier...haha...relax gerl..haha..reach hme at 710..lucky mum didn't sae anyting..dis fw daes she quite gd mood ah...my sis is so stress...her project muz re-do..like fuck ah..haha...so dts all ah...chowzgt a dream dis morning..quite shock..me wif dt gal..man...haish...dunnoe it's tru or nt..cz b4 dis watever i dream sure cum true..sud i beleive in dis dream or nt????haiz..::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:25 PM:.
haiz...damn bored 2dae...didnt go anywhere xcept 2 d market dis morn..nw i'm alone at hme..sis go lib..hmm..maybe wif her bf...mum n sis go make ezlink crd...ystrdae went lib...act wantd 2 do dnt...shida nvr bring my sk8...so jz pln my imageboard...tmr mz do my dnt practical..still gt alot of tingz 2 do...i tink i/m rushing 4 my dnt aready...my chem still haven catch up...haiz..act i'm quite tired n dunnoe wht 2 do...haiz...dn go lvl 6 play our game...man..i gve dem tough ques wic i myself answer..hw stupid of me man...went hme ard 650...sufi accompany shida hme..d rest took bus...nite wantd 2 use com bt my sis psycho my mum to lt her use..haiz..i dunnoe y...wen ppl r 2 clever,its nt gud..if u're stupid oso no gud...haiz...bt d dangerous 1 i tink if u're 2 clever..u'll start taking advantage of tings...haiz...so stressd up...wt a lazy dae 2dae...haiz..upd8 mre mybe ltr....chowz::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 3:05 PM:.
tired..dts wt i cn sae nw..ystrdae went for d class reunion..almz half d class came...held at tanah merah nsrcc...journey dere quite long ah...played at d arcade,pool wif hilmi..win me tyco...dn eat d fuds..hd bee hoon,chicken,hot dog n bull's testicles..haha..its actuali chickn..haha..its jz dt its veri short hotdogs..hilmi startd calling it dt..man i like bbqing..d fire,atmosphere..all dt...hmm...i juz luv outdoors...jz knew my sis gt bf areaady...gonna find out hu's dt guy...saw his pic on her msn n my com titled sygku...hmmhe seem like a mat..bttr nt a mat rep..if nt...hmm...gonna do lts of catching up man..haish....going out again...nw nt at hme...haish..is 2 dae gonna be tiring again?chows::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 12:38 PM:.
ysttrdae sports dae...boring ah... relay we gt 4th in our race..had a slow start.dn danny catch up...i catch up n run side by side wif ee koon...dn past 2 cliff...he n sufi run side by side...cnt c any diff..bt in d end sufi win by jz a fw cm..haha..
2dae sch was norm..dn heard dt sum1 trying 2 ban kazam frm d league..dt person gonna die man...
ltr going for d 2e2 2004 class reunion sumwhere in tanah merah dere...so quite rushing nw...upd8 mre..wonder wts gonna happen dere...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 2:50 PM:.
Can anybody tell me wts going on?tell me wts going on..haiz..sch ws ok ah todae..didnt do much..dd practical 4 chem...i like playing wif fire..mdm shuryati was damn sarcastic..actuali azmn 4got where he sit for practical so dn seatings were mix up..at d end,onli azman 4gt he sit..so she remarked sumting like "Is sum1 deeply in luv forgotful of where he sit?"haha..d whole class ws laughing n of crse azman n syaza blushed...kene strainght in d face..haha...dn mr justin lssn..he saed sumting abt his hair..sumting like his hair nice or sumting...so i asked how he make his hair..he laughed it off n ask me 2 do his lesson on white ppr...haha...aftr sch went vista park..otw kena screening..dunno y...bt screening only ah..hw many times aready kene...went hme ard 420 wif GB n 2-6...lucky dey're nt s noisy s like norm in busreached hme..first 2 reach hme..my sis blm alek..haha..played wif buchuk..getting notti ah dis fw daes..jz few daes ago it go inside my bowl of maggi..lucky not hot..den lz sundae it plays dead..like fuck ah..it lies leg up..dn harden its body..we all wori aready ah..den my mum pull its leg bt its stiff..nmpk sal tipu..so laz2 he move...haha..act he mrajok ah cz we change his wheel position..notti notti boy..haha...buchuk is like my prob reliever..evrytime gt prob jz play wif him..he's so funny,notti,cheeky,adorable,cute,multi personality n mch mre..hahahaha..wont tok more..chowzsum1,pls show me d lite 2 all my probs..i dunnoe wt i sud do man...sch,life n many more..PLSSSSSSS::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 6:09 PM:.
new skin again man..actualy 4 d 3 rd time..i like dis one best..kinda gothic,mysterious n a bit of gore..if gt more bloodshed is better..bt at least its nice rite?i do it myself ah..haha...
todae damn bored ah..tmr sch aready..so fast..haiz..
havent prepared..esp my chem..still haven study..
enlighten me,
wake me up frm dis dream i'm having..i jz cudnt concentrate on my studies..
cz i dun wan 2 take my o lvl twice..
haiz...sch tmr aready..d mre i tink abt it d mre i begin 2 hate it man..
hw i wish my life is like a hamster..
no sch,no work,heck care abt d world..as long as i'm happy can aready...
wt m i talking in d frst place man..haiz...
so damn restless...my soul is not happy...its wondering around aimlessly..
i tink its nt onli me hu tink like dis..i'm sure dere's lots oders hu tink dis wae...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 4:43 PM:.
hehe...finalli gt a nw skin..jz anyhw chuz cz i dunnoe hw i want my blog 2 luk like...bt ok rite?haha..2 ppl lke ruc n sal,sori eh ur nick i change..bt style pe..haha...nw i'm addicted 2 my blog man..i alwaes tink my blog still nid improvements..
did my hmwk jz nw...so inconvenient using dt eportal..muz download dn muz format all dt...so troublesome..i rather use paper...so bored..didnt go anywhere...oh man...ITS SATURDAE...tmr is d laz dae of sch hols...SO fast...nw let me reflect wt i did dis wik...
mon=go sch gt cmbine ug camp planning..
tue=go lepak at csy..
wed=cmbine ug camp
thu=cmbine ug camp
fri=soccer match
2dae=dd nthg...
haiz...still haven catch up on my studies...esp my science which i gt f9...like fuck ah...
i still cnt forget abt d cmbine ug camp man...
especially d muster parade..haha
amir screw up himself during d parade..evryone was laughing at him..haha..even d sec 1s..
dn abt our nite activites..
me n azri do our fear factor tingy...maggie curry wif milo..haha...
hw n where d oders ncos slept n deir position..
arfah slept on d cnteen table..her sleeping positon was as if...i rather nt describe
fairuz slpt on d bench covered wif grnd sheet as if she nvr went hme 4 yrs
amir hu evrytime i wake up to go 2 cnteen n he's waliking ard as if he nvr sleep
SuShi wif deir sentry duty..wont elaborate on dt
azman hu slept dead..i guess if i m 2 explode a bomb beside him he wont wake up
mizan n isa hu slept in d middle of prde sq
d floorball game wic ends until ard 2am
to my Amber Platoon,
work more,accept all challenges,complain less,be more enthu,train ur drills alot,be mre sporting
ur lucky i didnt tekan u all..i dun anymre cmplains...well,i'm actuali quite dissappointed wif sum of u..dts y aftr d route march i kinda ignore u all for d rest of d camp...
to my NCC cadets,
well done to all..i receive no complains frm d ncos,
in fact i receive a lot of positive comments,
actually i cn sae all of u shone during d camp,ur leadership,discipline,care for fellow cadets r all shown 2 us...i'm so proud of u guys..hope u maintain dis wae,dun be distracted by outside stuffs,no ur priorities
so as a reward,i'm gonna give all of u ur uniform,ur well deserve uni4m.
man,i still cnt forgt d amir incidents...its so damn funi..
all d ccas r reporting 2 me during d parade except for him..
at first d mentor platoon all were serious especially clff dey all.
dn shida,farhana,hafizah,sherman came 2 report 2 me..except 4 him..
i was like oh man,amir dunnoe hw 2 report..i cn c frm his face dt he wasnt comfortable doing it..shida was like oh man,where's amir?
den amir start marching towards me
cliff n d mentors start laughing.i dunnoe y..so i guess it ws amir hu make dem laugh ah..
frm wt i hrd d mentors laugh cz mr justin n sufi were laughing at amir...haha..
amir,practice ur marching
so at end of d parade evryone was shouting "Amir report strenght"
haha...he mz be d joker of d camp man..
Oh ya,during d camp mr liang gt take sum pix..sum funi,bt moz r nice ah..d pix will be at d bottom of dis entries
ystrdae hd soccer match against sec 1..
finali i scored 1 goal for kazam..tnx 2 azri..he thru ball 4 me dn d defender fail 2 gt d ball so i run dwn flank..dn no one came 2 challenge me sumwhere in d penalty box so i jz shoot d ball on on d left post..d ball jz go wide n into the net..
thruout d match,almz everyone scored..even our 2nd choice keeper,hami..
he score nice man...top right post..haha..
aftr match relax at np rm..joke abt d camp..haha..
dn go banquet..ate chicken rice..
SuShi shared mee goreng togehter..haha
so dts all ah 4 nw...here are sum of d camp pixs...Njoy

.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 5:04 PM:.
d cmbine camp ws tiring man..onli 2 daes n we're half alive...haiz..so damn tired...slept at 730 to 8 am..so abt 12 n half hours..man dt was long...
frst dae..
met d rest at shida blk..wait n wait until 7...cn u imagine dt?d cadets r suppose 2 fall in at 730 n at 7 we r still on our wae 2 sch...gt my pltn ppl..12 of dem...gt saiful aka tweety,yusuf aka riyan n abid aka d silent worker..created our own flag although it luks like a man's last flag...haha...bt we r d only pltn hu gt flag man...dn aftrnn dd drills...sum ppl complaint..HEY SINCE WEN UG NO DRILL...wan 2 cmplaint so much..so pampered..gt enuf we didnt do d camp as 2 wt we experienced 3 yrs ago sec 1 camp..cnfrm all cry...so weak...dn nite at 9 we do d route march 2 3M building...so near n yt ALOT ppl cmplain...dunnoe y bt dis yrs ppl(not all ah)like 2 cmplain 24hrs..dis one no gd dt one so difficult..bunch of pampred kids..lucky i received no complaint abt my ncc cdts..well done guys...during route march i,azri,azman,mizan,sufi lead d camp...azri was frustrated during d walk...d galz behind us r so noisy..if dey noisy cz dey r excitd abt it nvrmind..bt dey r complaining man....so wen we r going back i n azman decidd 2 becum d sweeper...haha..d walk at our own pace...dn my crazy clt,azri came 2 us...he crazy man...run here n dere...nt tired ah he..jz came bck frm his own camp dn came 2 ours he ws so enthu...haha...dn out of sudden alt ppl becum sweeper..dn i shida,azman,ainon n mizan played ard..we carry each oder while oder ppl r so far way ahead of us..dey all are tired bt we seemed so energetic..haha...laugh here n dere..haha...reach sch ard 1215..we debrief a while..lite off at 1245..quite l8..dey r so tired..bt d ncos are nt tired..haha..we played ard...dd field cooking..i n azri dd fear factor...we ate MAGGIE MILO..haha..i brought milo dn azri suggested we do fear factor..btw d 2 of us..we cook d maggie,dn pt 2 packet of instant 3 in 1 milo dn add a bit of d curry powder..i won d game man...azri gave up aftr a few scoops...bt it taste ok ah..quite nice...d oders oso tried..haha..dn we cycle ard sch,played floorball in cnteen..haha...all dis we do until ard 3am ++...haha..heard dt sum ppl went 711..haha...slept in np room...d ncos slept everywhere u cn imagine...prde sq,fitnss crnr,field....haha...even d moz uncomfortable place oso we cn sleep..haha...
2nd dae...
i didnt talk much 2 pltn since route march..i'm js sick of sum of dem...complaint 24hrs...dey hd pt games..floorball..while dey r playing amir n shida were quarelling..dunnoe abt wt..dn dey all go breakfast...sum of us cntinue play floorball..punked azri,azman n fairuz...haha..aftr lunch gt muster parade...amir was d man of d moment man...haha...he cudnt march properly n every1 ws laughing at him..even mr justin..dn we all bath b4 going hme..its chaotic i cn sae inside d bathing rm..our ting,towels,undies are thrown ard..haha...
ltr gt match wif sec 1..fil so damn sian ah..ah..kk gtg prayers..chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 11:21 AM:.
itz tuesade...2nd dae of hols...man i still haven start my catch up esp my chem..haiz...my CA gt 17 for l1r4...so high..mz aim lower man...muz aim 4 10..its possible if i gt my priorities rite frst...haha...
tmr gt d cmbne camp..partner wif ainon..hope cn gt along wif her well...i still haven prepare 4 it yt..tmr oso cn prepre..haha...
nw dunoe y suddenly monopoly ws d 'in' game..we guyz hav our own version...no more queen astrid..etc..haha...its chnge 2.....haha...
man nw i dunnoe wether i like trucks,buses or scramblers...haha..actuali quarrel wif parents ystrdae abt wt license sud i gt..in d end i decided 2 gt class 5..haha...haiz....
nw it seems dt d hols r time wasting...dunnoe y..so bored evrydae...haha...
haiz...BORING...dunnoe y...hhehehehe..
nw i jz hope tings will go fairly...dunnoe y dis few daes tingz r nt fair...hmm...
dts all...chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 5:02 PM:.
haiz..2dae tiring...lower sec gt field evntz...dayak n finna gt 2nd n 3rd for long jump..congrats...
haiz..so damn angry....ask me personally urself..damn f***ing unfair...2 me n su oders...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:00 PM:.
haiz...dunnoe y d blogger pge suddnly chinese language..jz anyhw do..
jz back frm my cizzie wedding..actuali i cabot ah...dey ceremony haven start i cabot aready...haha...dey whole fam all wear purple..so gay...met my cuz...she luk diff...n SHORT..haha..or maybe its jz dt i've grown taller..hehe..ate her wedding cake..so damn nice man...dn aftr dt tld mum want 2 go shop...she sae aftr go mz cme back..at least eat d cookings..hehe..bt 4 wt sey..mz wait long..dn saw my fellow snr spec pltn mate...she's my cuzzin oso..so dn my sis go shop n headd hme...hehe...dn in d end dey oso go hme..leaving my parents..hehe...actuali i mz go help wash my pinggan mangkok bt i nt hapi wif dey all ah..gt sum probs...
ystrdae gt maths remedial...dn d rest go stadium train...an cme use com...ptg play soccer...dn nite ws boring ah...bt 2dae finna is having fun sey...her whole hse 2 hrself...frm aftrnn 2 nite..haha....
haiz..i dunnoe y nw d world is so unfair..i guess pple nw trying diff waes 2 excel...so i mz learn hw excel in many diff waes ah...bt i tink bttr nt ah..bttr hav integrity....haha...
tmr sports dae...i haven train..haha...lazi ah...
so dts all ah...chowz...
I never dreamt it'd be this wayI lost any chance for me to sayTo say that I miss you, say that I love youWill someone please tell me I'm okayI wasn't prepared for what's to comeA life made of memories gone so youngAnd now I'm regretting all I've doneBut in your heart you know that I'm with you all alongWherever you go, I will be waitingWhenever you call, I will be thereWhatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so brightI'm in your heart tonightI never thought that this could goAnd take me away from all I knowAnd leave me to think I'm on my ownBut your love will take me, you were the one......Who sat through nightsYou held me tight
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 12:55 PM:.