haiz...damned bored...at home alone...waqnted 2 study...bt maybe ltr ah...haiz...K01..i'll try 2 help u..bt my best advice is 2 concentrate on ur exam first...bt its up 2 ah....i'll try 2 help..chowz...long time no see u::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 4:06 PM:.
damn bored....wantd 2 study but veri sleepy...ystrdae el was ok...didnt manage 2 re check my ppr 2 cz summary gt prob...wuhoo..finally gt new mmry card..gt it veri cheap....haiz..ppd getting lowto K01..relax ah..skrg tgh exam..jz try ur bes concentrate..nnti aku cube try tolong ko k? dts all...chowz...all d bes..hope u get 2 express nxt yr...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 3:44 PM:.
oklah...chem mdm shuryati s per norml,sarcastic...ystrdae she sae she'll be hapi enuf if i cn remember wt she teach lst wik..dn her no.1 victim,gt disturb by her again....haha..
aftr sch kazam vs n3o...wt a nice match..2-2 full time..dn penalty shoot out..we lost...kazam man of d match has gotta be ahmad...he's jz spoil every of deir golden opportunity...i wasnt playing my best...haha...so made ALOT of mistakes..nvr clear d ball properly etc...bt lucky its jz friendly...nw i muz reeli concentrte on my studies man...fridae el aready...haiz...
i nid a enlightenment...sum1,plz wake my up frm my dreams...
so dts all ah 4 nw...chowz...
having earworms..d song jujur is so nice yt meaningful man....
maybe u sud oso plan where u wan 2 go nxt yr...since u're gud a history,i suggest u go 2 a history class...try nt 2 take geog since u nt so gd in it...work smart n i hope u'll get into d express stream nxt yr...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:01 PM:.
haiz..2dae...cut my hair...wantd 2 study bt dunnoe y dis few daes filing down..dun tink i want 2 go sch tmr...my head fils so giddy..dunnoe y...pls...i nid sum1 2 help me..i'm 2 stressed up..my mind is a time bomb...chowz...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 3:32 PM:.
hiaz...2dae...going 2 study...no mood 2 go anywhere..evn 2 csy...so damn boring...i'm confused wif life..sumtinmes i tink...y m i here in d first place?man..i'm confused...i'm confused..izzit infatuation or wt?::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 1:03 PM:.
examz 2 wiks time...
muz ctch up...getting my priorities right...dun wan2 b a failure...remember wt i saed earlier dis yr... mz nt gt into troubles...muz nt step hero...nk step hero nnti jadi poser plak..haha
chowz...gud 2 noe dt u r revising...ur jz motivating me 2 study oso man...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:03 PM:.
haiz...2dae so boring..nvr go anywhere..nw i'm saving my OWN $ 2 buy my OWN digi cam...stop saeing i depend on my parents..i'm independent..i buy my OWN tingz...haha..chowz...Shortest entry ever...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 1:45 PM:.
WUHOOOOO...I'm so happy..cz my mum allow..she's gonna fully sponsor my trip dere..n azman is going 2..wuhoo..at least gt member 2 go wif..haha..hope dt amir,azri n sufi cn go oso..dn power...if desmond go....terrific...imagine wts gonna happen in d plane wif desmond ard...its gonna be damn fun...hahaha...heard dt alot mre ppl frm diff class r going 4 sarawak trip(sec4na n nt)...but first nw..i MUZ concetrate on my MYE...dn my MT o lvls..d trip is aftr my mt O lvls...man..y r dey telling me nw..its misleading me...haha...2dae damn boring...didnt go anywhere...jz stay at hme watch tv...man i cudnt believe dt finna cn finish a very thick book in short time...hw did she do it?i cn nvr do it man...hahahaman i cudn't believe it wen read d newpaper abt di guy hu have 10 wives,66 children n rapes used 2 lived in my blk...i cn remember his fam..dey r alwaes noisy...bt i cudnt believe it dt he got 66 children...he's so 'strong'..hahahaso damned bored....chowz..yeah..maybe sum ppl r naughty outside bt dey r sincere in frnt of u...sum ppl r gd in frnt of u bt dey churn out every little bad tingz abt u...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 5:45 PM:.
tursddae...haiz..so dissappointed dt my edusave $ is not enuf 4 d sarawak trip..dunnoe y bt suddenly i'm left wif jz $163 in my edusve..wtf...brought 4ward frm laz yr was $367..dn it sud be topped up ard $150++...so dere sud be at least abt $450..haiz..here i sum of d tingz i regret paying for:1)stress management course..Still no diff in me2)time management....Watever dt was taught was common sense3)Reader's digest..its juz a white elephant4)d sundae times..i rather buy it myself5)d el seminar..until nw oso no news abt it..haiz..wt i regrt moz was d reader's digest,el seminar,sundae times...haiz...mum offer me dt she will pay 4 it..Bt do u tink i deserve it aftr all i done 2 dem..i dun tink so..haiz..i reeli pity dem..nw i fil like i didnt want 2 go...haiz...ystrdae match against rusty was gr8..won 8-0..played second half...provided d artillery fire..was nice ah except its not finished properly..haha..so dts all ah..chowz..haiz..dunnoe y..dis daes...ppl r fighting 4 ur rights n yt u tok bad abt him..he's trying 2 do gd 4 u n u dare tok bad abt him..haiz..no wonder..man..nw regret helping him...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:28 PM:.
wt a dae...i regret running my 2.4km again man...if noe i wudn't have run...i tot my timing will imprve bt it becums slower...haiz...dn during physics was meet ur idol session...man i didn't realise dt i hav so much fans...hahah...all of dem r crazee for my autograph...dn dere's an invisible fan who ask me 2 sign...i ws hesitant bt in d end jz sign ah...'special' autograph...haha...spoiled my dae...haiz...during mt we gt offer 2 go sarawak..wuhoo...cn't miss dt opportunity...take plane 2 sarawak...2 nite at hotel dn 1 nite wif foster family..mum jz approve of it...WUHOOO....i'm so hapi man...2dae mdm shuryati startd her jokes again..she sae shuhadah pole dancing..imagine dt...dn her onli disability is she dun hav special eyesight..dn kin hwa hug his body in a wae 2 show dt he dun wan her 2 c his inside...dn she shouted.."nothing 2 c...jz bones.."..hahaha....aftr sch was boring...went hme at 430...i tink i nw rather stay at hme dn in sch...so dts all ah...chowz..exams is jz in 2 wiks time...arggghhhhh!!!!!HELP!!!!!::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 5:43 PM:.
hmm..act nw using com cz mom go take sis...2dae sch was norm...during gt indon ppl cum...my dnt doing gr8 man...although i abit off track bt still cn catch up...aftr sch go d nyaa briefing...dn lepakz2 n borak2 at cnteen...disturb dem...esp d lower sec galz...finna n dayah..haha...man i cnt believe dt she cn finish reading i thick book in 1 dae..haiz...sal abt d dream..she asked wether cn avoid it...told her i duntink so..cz dere's no wae u cn avoid it...so dts all ah...chowz...hehe..u still haven tell me abt dt dae..::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 5:31 PM:.
hmm..act nw using com cz mom go take sis...2dae sch was norm...during gt indon ppl cum...my dnt doing gr8 man...although i abit off track bt still cn catch up...aftr sch go d nyaa briefing...dn lepakz2 n borak2 at cnteen...disturb dem...esp d lower sec galz...finna n dayah..haha...man i cnt believe dt she cn finish reading i thick book in 1 dae..haiz...sal abt d dream..she asked wether cn avoid it...told her i duntink so..cz dere's no wae u cn avoid it...so dts all ah...chowz...hehe..u still haven tell me abt dt dae..::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 5:31 PM:.
hmm..act nw using com cz mom go take sis...2dae sch was norm...during gt indon ppl cum...my dnt doing gr8 man...although i abit off track bt still cn catch up...aftr sch go d nyaa briefing...dn lepakz2 n borak2 at cnteen...disturb dem...esp d lower sec galz...finna n dayah..haha...man i cnt believe dt she cn finish reading i thick book in 1 dae..haiz...sal abt d dream..she asked wether cn avoid it...told her i duntink so..cz dere's no wae u cn avoid it...so dts all ah...chowz...hehe..u still haven tell me abt dt dae..::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 5:31 PM:.
hmm...2dae did ntg...morning go market..dn stay hme..help mum try uat vadai..bt failed..dunnoe y d dough jz nt rite..bt gd try ah..tmr mum trying it again...ptg play soccer..fell down hard jz 2 escape stepping on dog shit...stupid dog n its owner...dunnoe hw 2 clean up..dn ppl play soccer affected..maybe dere sud be a veri heavy fine 2 any owners caught nt cleaning up deir pets waste...lucky nvr step...kalo tk kene cuci ngn tanah kubur..haiz...dis wikend fils so fast...haiz...library fine still haven pay...wuhoo..cnt wait to take my snr spec course shirt...hmm..dts all ah...cnt wait 4 d muuvie boy eats girl 2 cum out..chowz...hope 2 tingz will turn out well....i'm sure u hv 4given me...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:30 PM:.
hmm...morning maths remedial...vri little ppl cum...dn go eat at banquet...went hme ard 1pm...basically dts all ah 2dae...so damn boring..d weather is so bad dis daes...haiz...NP 2dae gt promo test..saw dem having d test...nw i noe 1 wae 2 spot my cdts mistakes...juz look at them frm d top..alot of mistakes cn be seen...hmm...dey did deir drills quite long ah...bt quite relax ah during d trng..saw finna..she cn still laugh abt...btw all d bez 2 u ah...btif dey go 2 our senior spec course is even worst...imagine doing sizing wif ard 100 men n ur given a few seconds 2 stand according 2 sizes..haha...memories of my senior specialist course laz yr n POC spec course trng...hmm...all d bes 2 all...i want 2 learn human psychology..i want 2 noe y ppl react diff act...so i cn undrstand dem better...hmm..nw i addicted 2 airport tycoon..so stressful yt fun..hehee..so dtz all ah..chowz...haiz...hw m i going 2 sae it....hmm...sori eh frm d wae i treat u dis wik...its nt abt u..reeli..serious..sumpah...d tingz i wrote is for my frenz' gal...i'm doing him a favour..reeli...sumpah...tk maen2 ah...bt dari lubuk hatiku ini,sori if u're hurt frm it...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 4:20 PM:.
hmm...quite a fw dae since laz entry...nw dt i'm sitting beside syaza,it seems dt i will nvr go hungry evry morn..haha..cz we sure bring sumting 2 eat...except dt maybe gt sum tetamu yg tk diundang ah..haish..2dae i brought home made donut..sud hav brought mre..sori 2 dose hu wants bt finish aready..2dae gt hair check...my hair quite long bt lucky its a bit curly so nvr gt caught...bt i regret nt having caught..cz dose hu gt hair cut didnt have 2 go class for d 1st half of d dae..haha..amir sure like dt...went fri prayers wif ahmad onli...haiz..d rest deir ass gt liquid dripping ah...haha...bt partly is bcz maybe ltr dey going swimming at jurong..haiz...korg2 ape nk jadi..hanyut ah..kate nk insaf...bubble btol ah korg...ystrdae in history..hmm..ncc ws norm..finalli izzul n syazwan came...so dey were quite shock ah at d state of our ncc...our room,standart of our juniors...finalli dey notice d standart of our juniors..hope dt dey continue deir ncc as dey r like during sec 1 n 2..dis yr mr liang aiming 4 bronze unit...sud be possible ah..bt nxt yr dere will be GB,izzul n syazwan 2 lead d unit...wooh...quite relieve abt dt...dunnoe y dis few dae hav bin dreaming abt many diff tingz...ade hikmah di sebalek semuer ni..espcially d one i dreamt laz nite..ws shock abt it..bt tinking abt it...if it relli happen,dn all i cn sae is SERVE U RITE..haha...hmm..maybe i'm jz 2 emo...sori if u're hurt frm d wae i m dis fw daes..::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 2:50 PM:.
2dae in history...hmm...i guess dis wiks mon n tuesdae is like d bes 4 dis yr man... here r d reasons1)mdm radiah lesson ever man 4 dis yr...evry1 was listening 2 her lesson..we were laughing discussing all dt...haha..so 2dae she walk out of d class smiling...2)i passed my NAPFA...wuhooo...cz i finally passed my pull up..i did 2...bt my stnding broad jmp still sucks although i pass...3)i manage 2 reach my target time 4 my 2.4km...i aim 4 10 mins bt gt 10.33s...bt ok lah..i'm gonna retest again...nw i'm aiming 4 9.30s...2dae my strategy didnt work...startd last wif danny..d oder boys r far in frnt bt i catch up n gt 2nd...haiz...4)mdm shuryati is cracking her straight-in-the-face jokes again...dis time her victims was jasmine,fatin n as like norm,shuhadah..haha...5)i finaaly cn remember sum of my chem formula...haha..6)i understand wt going on during maths 2dae...haha...hmm...i cn't tink much ah 4 nw..act dere's more ah..so basically dts all ah...chowzplz remember dt guyz r nt toys...u cnt fool ard wif dem...u may tink dey dun care bt deep inside,its a different tingz...never judge a guy by his looks...plz stop acting cz he's gonna be tired of it..u're jz wasting ur time...so stop bothering if u're nt sincere to him n urself... ::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 6:38 PM:.
ystrdae in history...morn go maths remedial..gt 8 outof 40 4 mock test..haha..aftrnn go lib study physics...suppose 2 mit at 1230 bt we purposely go sit inside csy let dem wait 4 us...dn go eat n study...arfah i cn tell,will brutally torture her driving instructor if she were 2 take a driving license..haha...went 2 csy ard 645...dn shida went hme...sufi ws smiling at us...hmm...so we tld him 2 accompany her lah...dn we go wok2..d yfc instructor,namazi sae 2dae nt 2 go scouting...hmm...cz weekends ppl go out wif parents...haha...hmm..i wonder hw dey scout...sud be interesting...haha...went hme ard 715...dn go out watch movie ice age...d characters r like sum ppl oso ah...Sid d sloth=Arfah...cz d wae dey react n tok r like d same..Diego d sabre tooth tiger=cliff..hmm..cz he ws d "protector of d pack"..Scrat d mouse/squirrel=hmm...d teeth..hmm...shida lahManny d woolly mammoth=Sufi..cz he's like d wise guy of pack..Elly d female mammoth=hu else bt shida..hahad possums=hmm...cn be nas,amir,azri,me,..haha..d movie veri funi..worth d $$so dts all ah..chowz...maybe i sud jz let tingz be...maybe my dreamz r rite..d right person is d one i didnt notice bt yt she d flame in my heart..maybe my dreams r alwaes rite...dey alwaes makes tingz rite..maybe i sudnt have seek for tingz..let it happen naturally...u dun need 2 show evryone dt u're nt intersted..u'll nvr noe hw sad a boy cn b...u dun nid 2 giv him a cold shoulder..he'll understand...u dun nid 2 make him jealous..cz he'll noe u're proving sumting's 2 u...u dun nid 2 act in frnt of a guy jz make him happy...u're jz making tingz worst...so if u're nt interstd,u dn nid 2 b acting sarcastically...n mke sre u dun cme proving 2 him cz by d time u do dt..he'll be sick of u..::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 11:56 AM:.