yeah..tmr ncc dae parade in sch..act dae is 1 july..haha..bt it will b my laz ncc dae...dt if i decided nt 2 go 4 clt course..haha..so 2 dae is d official start 4 d sec 3 specs..quite impressed by their conduct 2 dae..haha..hope they maintain n gt bettr...chowz..prepre my no.4 4 tmr...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:05 PM:.
such a hot dae..feelig hot so hot man even aftr bathing..haha..summre morning gt pe..quite tough bt i like it..although ms thia still haven push me 2 d limit like my fav. CLT soffhian did laz time..haha...wah its so damn warm...getting my third bath of d dae..chowz::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:10 PM:.

man..finali i gt 2 use d com...if nt my sis wud be using it forever...
tmr starts sch..its like so fast man...
i'm sure i didnt spend it wisely...if nt i won't be regretting...haiz...d sarawak trip still remains fresh in my mind..
3 weeks ago,at dis time i will b at riverside shopping cntre wif faris sitting waitng as time flies by stratching my leg...we jz cme bck frm d homestay...we r doing our final shopping...ltr at 10 while on our wae bck we used d short cut bck 2 telang usan..otw we gt chased by a big ferocious dog..mr martin will dn act hero...haha..dn we ran...mr martin push ms yati..haha..
its still so fresh as if i juz came back ysterdae...
haiz...frm laz time i sae i wan 2 catch up on my studies bt bueh...
went cswy pt jz nw..wantd 2 buy d bus model bt nt enuf $$..haiz...so in d end printd out d sarawak pics dere...tmr ms yati sae mz bring...
man...i still haven bought my proper sch shoes..my low dunk tear aready,my d oder one too tight...Y IS MY LEG BIG?haiz...
i'm sorry bt i have lose some respect 4 u..dunnoe y..bt aftr seeing wt u did jz nw,its jz..haiz..i dunnoe hw 2 sae it..i'm nt reeli good in expressing my feelling thru words..i'm sori bt u're behaviour jz nw was kinda sux...
act sch open oso gud...cn catch up on frenz n meet up wif dose hu long time no c...haha...
n my hair is still nt cut..haha..i will nt get my allowance until i cut it..haha..my mum hates my hair...2 bad...
wow..didnt notice my entry ws quite long huh...so dts all ducky...chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:20 PM:.
hey..sori guys...cnt upd8 my blog daily..my com gt infected wif dis %^%* trojan virus...hiaz...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:32 PM:.
hiaz...2dae damn tired...morn go sch do dnt dn hd 2 stop cz dun hav d material..so hd 2 go 2 queenswae..lucky my dad at hme...so ard 12 went dere wif him..otw rain..dn he stop in expresswae rd divider..damn scary man..wif trucks jz weezing past u...reach bck sch ard 230..quite fast ah...finish at ard 4.. man...i oso tired of self proclaimers man..damn thick skin...thicker dn d road...::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:12 PM:.
damn..sudnt hav cum 4 2dae remedial...
man...sarawak will alwaes stay in my heart....d ppl,d place...its so damn nice...its so peacefull especially at kampong telaga air...
d moz memorable ting abt d trip is our home stay...although its jz 1 nite,we jz felt at home dere...
especially my keluarge angkat;hafizan,mummy n daddy...n my 'siblingz';adek azmn,abg amir,abg syafiq,abg rahman n abg syabil..we r known as 6 jahanam wic mins d 6 terrors of all...ppl sae mit at 8 pm 815 we jz got out of our house..dn meet at 8 am 745 we jz wake up...haha...azmn gt bullied d moz dere..haha...especially toilet incident n d bed incident...n nw we noe hw scardy cat syabil is..haha...at d end of d homestay,it was so emo...alot ppl cry...wish dt it cud hav been longer...haiz...well memories...wt is gone is forever gone bt it will alwaes be part of me...mummy i want 2 tell u dt ur breakfast is so damn nice...FYI,we r d onli 'siblingz' hu kol our foster parents daddy n mummy...haha...i tink d stewardess muz be frustrated bcz of us...kip disturbing dem all d wae..haha...mre story,ask me...i'm 2 lazy 2 type out
here r sum pix of d trip...njoy 

.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:08 PM:.