I've gt it...hehe...
starting tmr..
tnx rusydia...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 4:33 PM:.
so i wont be going 4 d 3 months course..haiz...
jz bcz i didnt go 4 d briefing n didnt sent d form ting....all bcoz i overslept..hahas..
bt nvrmind,on d other side,at least i cn earn more $$ dn...
bt i dunnoe lah..
ystrdae dey had prom...
sure dey had fun bt i'm sure it will b better wif teachers around..
n lot more ppl..haha..if gt teacher i cnfirm go..
well den...
hey dis entry is like 'wt if's kind off ting..its like AAR..
hey there,met u jz nw..u're sure a lucky gal 2 gt him..he's ur mr perfect..seriously..
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 3:26 PM:.
2dae so many mat motor gt marry...every week like dt...cz my house is infront of road junction...like gerek ah...dey go conquer d whole street...haha...dn dey will rev up deir engines..woah.....dn d wedding car will be in d centre...man...
i can imagine ar

eady man...if our friendship frm nw will last forever...dn wen everyone gt married it will be SOOO KECOH..haha...sure it will be veri memorable ah..
i aready saw my cuzzins' wedding..its so 'grand'...dey make a whole lot of noise frm deir machines n no one cn cntrol dem..haha...EXCEPT dt my parents kind of not approve dose kind of escorts...haha..bt hu cares...
lts not talk abt it anymore...cuz its still a veri long wae 2 go....
i wonder wen r dey going 2 kol me...i'm so bored to death at home...
Sorry guys,i really cn't go 4 d prom...cz
1) i reeli don't want 2 owe ppl $$ anymore cz i still gt a few 2 pay back
2) i juz cnt reeli see d significance of going 2 a prom without teachers
3) i wan $$ 2 cum in & not fork out...
sorry guys...
man i reeli cnt stand it anymore..gals hu r NVR preeti wearing clothes dt reeli doesnt make dem luk nice...EWWW...man i dunnoe..alot of ppl told me aready...cnt dey juz go 4 a laser treatment or sumtng b4 showing off...its UTTERLY DISGUSTING...i have been wanting 2 sae it since laz yr....d truth is,dey r juz not being demself...i cn stand it...seeing it will make my body churns out all d innards...yucks...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 3:08 PM:.
now i'm so damn bored at home wif no $$..haiz...
i dunnoe bt i juz dos times wen i evrytime go out 2 study..bt nw,i dun even nid 2 study anymore..haiz..i dread studying bt den nw i jz wish i gt someting 2 learn..my mind juz wan 2 do sumting..
nw i'm waiting 4 d 7-11 prson 2 call me...i'm so free dt i'm so tired of it...haiz...
racial harmony dae..our class won d most dressed class...
yeah!!sports dae best sec 3 class...
man,i definitely miz dose time i had at 3e3/4e3...i luk at d pix....d gd n bad times we hd together...yeah...all dose quarrels wif teachers,mischiefs etc...its jz undescribable...
not forgetting d best form teacher we hv evr had,ms yati...i consider her as more of a big sister though...cz i alwaes wanted an older sibling...haha...
I MIZ 3E3(05)/4E3(06)..bt d moz memorable is 3E3...wif 5N3(05)...sumhw our class sims to gel well..
2 bad we end secondary sch juz like dt...no prom nite...act dere is one plan by sum pple bt i jz don't see d significance of attending a prom without teachers...i'm so jealous of other schools...all got prom organised by sch...bt we dun hav...i once dreamt of wearing a suit wif a date 2 prom...2 bad dere's none dis yr becoz of dt prson...haiz
well guys,alwaes kip in contact k...until we all gt married or smtg...kip d E3 spirit in us alwaes...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:55 PM:.
nw so many frenz r employed..haha...
ystrdae go vivo..d place is so damn big...dt u juz dunnoe where 2 go man...
dn go c d restaurant where many WGSer work...
saw BH E koon,sherman n desmond...bt i c desmond work,hmm,like veri funny ah...azri oso sae..haha
dn go eat at d hawker cntre...
damn it man...wt kind of hawker centre when most of d food r sold out..i was like,fuck lah...if alot of food dun hav dn bttr dun sell rite?haiz...
dn aftr dt we lucky d bus 963 wait 4 us if nt we going 2 b damn l8...
dn inside bus gt a grp of gals abt 1-2 yrs our junior..toking,giggling...
amir sae dey 'kwn korg' dn i sae 'like sedare bugs'....u guys sud noe wt i min...deir dressing ah...
dn at bukit batok area dey alight...
dey cross road dn suddenly 1 of d gal wave at us...only i saw it...i juz turn awae..
so i told amir...
amir sae he nt available
azri of course nt available..haha..
so amir concluded i cn take dem..since i'm still free...haha...
hmm...is dt a clue or sumting huh?hehe...
so d rest of d time we joke abt each oder...
queenswae mrt,bogey,mrt bus,outram n many more...hahaah...wt a dae man...
nw rusydia sae moz probbly she cn help me gt a job at 7-11...at hospitals...hmm..
90% cn gt...tnx uh....
tmr laz pprs...wuhoo.....
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 12:27 PM:.
wahh...nw dt olvl at its ends i tot i wud b free...
bt it seems an irony man..
1)d dnt teachers wan me 4 d tan kah kee competition
2)ms thia wans me for d pri6 camp
3) ncc teachers wans me 2 cum back
yeah it only seems so little bt i gt so much oder tingz 2 do
cz i wan
1)2 work
2)go 4 music lessons
3) d 3 month course
4)2 start working out
n many more...haiz...ltz juz hope i will not forgt my main priorities....
haha...arfah still wans 2 go ice skating...bt gd man i like dt nvr give up attitude of hers..hahaha...still cn remmbr hr vri first experience...
nw it seems dt our grp of frenz sims gettign smaller...d singles r 1 grp while d married r another...well...i dun care as long s nvr disturb me cn ready....bt if gt probs,my ears r close huh...hahaha...hehehe...
i tink nw i follw amir's phrase...
only gt attach wen u r seriously ready n ur life is VERY stable...n wen i'm mature enuf..cz i dun wan 2 be a cheater or cheated s b4...hahaha...
so dats all...chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:51 PM:.
2dae is officially rest dae...haha...for all o lvl students..haha...Its International Resting Day..haha...as said by nurul...hahaha...
well so far for d exams i tink i did ok lah...i rather nt say gud or bad...u noe y...dun wan 2 be over confident..haha..
highlight of d week...
2 daes ago aftr exam me sufi n amir go shop n save share $$ go buy carrots...hahaha....
dn we gave it 2 bugs...2 bad she dun wan 2 take pix wif it...its so damn funy man....wakhakha
haiz....4 more pprs 2 go..i jz hope dt dnt coursework marks nvr go down...cz if juz stay like dt dn i juz nid 2 pass my theory 2 get at least A2...nt dt i'm arrogant or wt....bt its a fact...although i cn score bttr 4 my coursework if i had been more consistent...
so dats all....chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:30 PM:.
The late Busuk...
1 November 2004 - 6 November 2006
& now its juz an empty cage without its owner....
its jz so sad ....bt at least it died of old age...haiz...i miz dose times wif busuk...its nottiness....haiz...
well lyfe hav 2 go on....
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 10:52 AM:.