yeah..so i decided 2 put bag d prison break vids due 2 popular demands....haha
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 3:35 PM:.
mondae finish sch at 11..so aftr dt we go class lunch..dn go orchard cineleisure watch movie...the messenger...so 2 movies straight in 2 daes..
basically d mouvie is bttr dn hauntd sch..
although d movie nt so scary,it gt alot of suspense n shocking part lah..bt its gd..excpt my arm abit pain lah cz dawn kips grabbing my arms so tightly 4 every suspense moments...haha...bt d movie ovwerall is gd...
man...2dae was so damn tiring man...
bcz of d odac trials...
act i aready in cheerleading bt dn i c d guys so little...
n d galz...
so yeah..during d trials dis is wd we did...
1)30 push ups
2)run abt 3km++
3)8x shuttle run
4)run to lvl 4
5)do bunny hop 4 abt 50m
6)half squats 4 45secs
7)run 2 lvl 1
8)do bench raise
9)bench lifts
10)5pull ups
11)25 sit ups
13)5pull ups
14)15 sit ups
15)run 800m
actually aftr d bunny hop i jz felt like giving up..standing ws like d most difficult ting 2 do...
n d stairs is my no.1 enemy...hahas
so dts all..chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:35 PM:.
wah..damn bored lah...
gt alot nw movies...bt tkde members ah...
boring 2 d max man...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 2:41 PM:.
finally its d wikend man..itz been a damn tiring wik..almoz everydae go home quite l8..
wif all d lectures n tutorials...
well at least i cn gt my long awaited rest dis wikend...
n i'm gonna study a bit lah...
especially my maths n econs..
everydae's a new dae 4 me...cz I MAKE NEW FRENZ EVERYDAE...haha..so fun man
cn sae dt among all d lectures,d gp lecture was d moz 'unboring' one...
cz d teacher is like quite engaging ah..
n dn we all kip making fun about her n she doesn't even know it n yt laugh oso..
one instance..(by the wae i forgot d topic)
we sae= god muz b crazy..
she sae= y is god crazy
dn we all sitting at d back section began 2 laugh bcz 1 guy shouted
"bcz god create u"...
d whole back sector began 2 laugh..she saw us laughing dn she oso laugh...haha
man,my class is d biggest in my cohort man..31 ppl...cn sae dt my class is a fav choice cz alot ppl gt rejectd frm entering my clss man..i feel so honoured 2 be in...
07A01...yeah dts my class..d very first class b4 all d oder classes..
guess wt?my class got 2 mre ncc cadets man...one's a male n d oder a female
N BOTH OF DEM ARE CADET LIEUTENANT...damn it..i sud hav gone 4 CLT course...
so among d ncc cdts,i d smallest rank ah...MSG...so in class i disturb dem by calling 'sir' n 'mdm'...hahaha..
i reeli wan 2 watch TMNT man...its like so cool..haha...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 6:19 PM:.
so todae my first proper full dae of jc life...
man i got so many breaks..lasting frm 1hr 2 2hrs..
n my class cn sae oklah...maybe we havent knoe each oder much yt dts y..
ok nw i gt new scandal..haha
she's so damn hot now man...
especially in her music video..
as compared 2 her old self,
feminine,adorable,manja,cute yet very sporting n have her own standing...
jz wt i wan frm a gal of my dreams...hahaha...

pretty rite?
u c,i gt taste...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:40 PM:.
i guess i've nvr been so low in my life be4 man..esp abt my studies..
i dunnoe y...
maybe i cnt suit wif jc life or sumting..i seriously dunnoe man...haiz...
hd a quarrel wif my mum...
in d end,she sae if i reeli cnnt take it dn end of dis yr dn jz stop sch...
so maybe i may drop out of jc end of dis yr...
transfer 2 poly...
or maybe go ns straight
all dis if only i reeli fuckd my promo exams ah
i jz dunnoe y man...
i've nvr felt so low b4 in my life abt studies
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:26 PM:.
so finally bought my nw uni..had 2 go all d way 2 town jz 2 buy my uni..met amir n cuz dere..oso buying his mi uni...d uni oklah..
except dt d tie reali dun fit wif d uni..
nxt time i wear i tke pix.
i want 2 buy anoder shue man..haha..
mondae starting proper sch..
i will start 2 noe my class,nw classmates...etcetc..
ystrdae ncc camp ends...
2 kip tings veri simple,d camp is veri slack,nids improvement..
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:09 PM:.
pjc sch anthem is like a pop song man..u can play it wif guitar..haha...
ysterdae was d last dae of orientation...
i think pj finish dier orientation last among oder jcs...
d whole orientation rox man...although i used 2 dread it bt aftr it ended,i wish it was held longer...
first dae was kinda boring...its jz tok2,sch tour n cheers..
of course i gt 2 mit nw frenz...deres only like 6 ppl frm wgs dere..
n i tell u my OGL pamela a.k.a pomelo cn reeli make me deaf wen she shout...
2nd dae was veri fun..dt was wen tribe 1 reeli work s team...we r reeli bonded man...
2nd was plenty of games...it reeli test our team spirit...bt i tink we won mos of d games...
during d spaghetti games me n xuan min lead d momentum of d spirit man...although our height of so damn different;i tall n she small bt we reeli make a good team..
dn d fill d bottle tingy game she kept sabo me...evrytime she gt water,confirm she throw at me...so instead of playing,we end up throwing water at each oder..
dn wen d ogl fed up wif us he go take 1 whole pail of water n splash us...
3rd leadership trng...nt much 2 sae..
4th dae..8-12 leadership tingy wic put our tribe patience,teamwork,integrity trust 2 test..
dn we have 2 make castle wif cards..while oder tribe make a 3d one,we make a 2d flat one..hahaha..super outstanding..
dn prepare 4 campfire,dance practice...etc3 until d campfire...
i reeli tink AUBURN sud hav won d best performance cz we reeli engage wif d audience by making dem laugh throughout...N I WAS PART OF IT...YAY!!!
dn d lighting of campfire gt abit prob...
our vp go play wif d torch until d kerosene tingy flew out..so u cn c a fireball in d parade sq...haha...
everytime dey wan 2 end d campfire,we kip asking for d fun dance...hahaha...
so overall,i like being a pioneer....
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:08 PM:.

so gt my posting results...
pioneer jc here i come....
science stream is wt i'm in....
new uniform is wt i'm gonna wear..
new friends is wt i'm making...
bt old friends will nvr be forgotten...
bugs go RP...
amir go MI...
rusy go IJ...
amin go IJ...
hafiz go RP...
Turn away,
If you could get me a drink
Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded
Call my aunt Marie
Help her gather all my things
And bury me in all my favorite colors,
My sisters and my brothers, still,
I will not kiss you,
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you.
Now turn away,
'Cause I'm awful just to see
'Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body,
Oh, my agony,
Know that I will never marry,
Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go
It just ain't living
And I just hope you know
That if you say (if you say)
Goodbye today (goodbye today)
I'd ask you to be true (cause I'd ask you to be true)
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:27 AM:.