ystrdae bbq..bt b4 dt gt tkd..veri few cum..well learn new pattern..a bit simpler i tink..my snr sae i gt promo..haha..so hapi..dn while doing pattern,he single out 3 ppl including me..dunnoe y dn he suddenly sae he wan 2 send us 4 comp...haha
so d bbq..was fun lah..excpt dt we took such a long time 2 light d fire up until we nid 2 call our neighbours..nt only dey help us bt oso give us sum of their food..which is damn nice lah..
here r sum pix i gt..

change my song..dis song is damn nice lah..summore d acoustic version..
nw evrytime it rains my class gonna sae ethel muz b singing..haha...i tink i'm d one hu startd dis joke cz she sae she in choir bt cnt sing...dn nw d whole class follow..haha...07A01 ROX MAN!!!
napfa cuming..i tink i gonna fail my pull ups man..haha..
muz qwatch my diet..
dts all..chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:49 PM:.
damn it lah...
i sud have gone 2 d movie marathon in sch ystrdae man..
or i sud have go 2 d night jaunt...
both r freaking gr8 ah...730pm 2 730 am..u either stay in sch watch movie all d wae or star gazing;or go 2 singapore night hot spot like geylang n d cemetery...
bt nvrmind..
i i ponteng malay camp aready..which is nw...
dn ltr gt TKD grading..gt my dobok aready
damn it man..so damn far..at eunos cc...
dn afttr dt mz go sentosa mit up wif d rest...
i jz hope i cn gt double promo 2dae..dn skip trng..hahaha...
dis wikend gt loads of hmwk man...esp econs...d essay we still havent complete dn nw she giv us 3 more essays 2 b completed by monday...
i MZ iprove my english man....among all my frenz i tink mine is d suckiest ah..reeli nid 2 buck up alot...seriously...
gonna prepare my tings nw...chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 10:27 AM:.
2dae was ok lah..
bt my class have crazy lah 2dae..dunnoe y...
nvr do hmwks..laughing out loud among ourself...
creating attention at the canteen...
wif our damn lame n stupid jokes...
like we like tings tight,wet..etc..
2dae our greetings is a bit diff ah..
normally our greeting is gd murning teacher,hw r u 2 dae?
bt 2dae is gd murning teacher,u luk tantalising...haha..
tantalising is act 4 food...
tmr..haiz..gt pe...cnfirm its running n weights trng
d only ting i'm looking 4wd is motocross challenge at town wic i'm going immediately aftr sch...
nw heard dt tkd test maybe dis wikend man...
chowz...gonna start mugging man...if only i wud...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:20 PM:.
1)smart muggers
2)act smart
3)the slackers
4)the doomers
this are the classes of people...
OBVIOUSLY i'm not a smart mugger
i'm now in grp 3(the slackers)
bt i tink i'm slooooowwwwly dropping 2 grp 4 man..
i hve yt 2 do my hmwk n my PI for my PW..
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 2:31 PM:.
so ystrdae hd d class dinner...aftr PE...
2 mit at far east bus stop at 745...
so aftr PE wei liang,shuqun,claire,felicia n me go to nick's house at the warren...wen we go there we were like so shock man..his house is so damn cool man...
first floor,d swimming pool is in front of his house n d view ard is damn nice ah..wt more cn u ask 4...n darryl house is jz opposite..haha
dn we go in his house...
man his house is so damn nice ah...
so we go do house tour..haha..dn we open up his fridge n saw ALOT of can drinks..claire was like WAAAAHHH...haha
n his swimming pool reeli look tempting man...
i wanna stay in a condo..haha
by d time we go out of his condo it was like 720..hw 2 reach twn in 25 mins..haha
otw in 190 mit up wif nazri the pimp n d gals..dey r wearing uni4m 4 d trip..haha..cool...go town at nite wif sch u..
by the time we enter d Xpresswae it was already 740..so obviously we're l8 ah..bt nvrmind...d oders surely l8 oso..
so we reach far east at abt 805..wait 4 d rest..buy d turkish ice cream..d 1 dt nvr melts...it's nice lah..n d employee is funny oso ah..dey play ard wif u...
camwhoring 4 awhile dn..
went taka buy food..d shops dere r aready closing ah..cz its like 9+ aready..
dn go 2 d 'cubicle'..d 1 btw taka n wisma..its kinda dark n TIGHT..haha
nick was d tight guy...very funny ah wen he sae 'TIGHT'...joke ard,tuk pixs tell dirty jokes..etc...
so went bck at ard 1045...moz of us r basically tired lah...
reached hme ard 1130..n lucky enuf my mum was asleep..if not my house would be a lecture theatre..haha...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 10:39 AM:.
2dae veri boring dae...
i only gt 2 lectures n 1 tutorial...
i was on cloud 9 moz of d time man...
dn gt taekwondo trng..man d warm up ws painfull..d split...i dun tink any guys cn do it ah...bt it was fun ah..
btw happy bdae jasmine...
so sum1 bought a cake 4 her..dn we sang out loud ah d bdae song at d concourse...
very nice..gt kinder bueno in d cake...
i jz cnt wait 4 tmr..i mean as in d class dinner ah...
bt i jz hate d timetable 4 tmr ah..
for me,i only gt GP,Maths tutorials,ML and PE...
damn it..so little lesson bt tmr sch dae will be frm 740 2 6pm..like wt man...
tmr is wgs ncc affirmation ceremony..was invited..bt sorry guys...u c my timetable 4 tmr hw 2 make it man...
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:53 PM:.
sumhow i tink d new blogger REELI SUX MAN..i prefer d old one...
well 2dae i FINALLY gt my thumb drive back...frm T.S.L
he sae he gt put a lot of ncc pix bt inside is only abt 10+...alot meh?bt nvrmind...
2dae mz submit d cca option form...
so i jz put down taekwondo...since dey sae confirm cn gt + only on wednesdae..
n alot of my classmates r taking it...
it sims dt my class is like veri close ah...in many diff terms...like moz of us r slackers...if gt hmwk cn sae 90% nvr do..have recess 2gether..etc...
dn dis thu aftr PE dey planning 2 go watch movie again..at nite aftr sch ends..haha...
so dts all...chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 9:57 PM:.
2dae mz hav been my lucky dae i tink..
becz a lot of tingz dt r due d teacher nvr ask 4 it...
i tink my class reeli rox ah...
cz wenever dere's hmwk it sims dt all of us have have d same feeling of nt doing at all or fully...
yeah 2dae our class won d debate tingy against a science class..haha...
i tink d supporters play a big role ah esp during d part where we cn ask question 2 d opposing team..
our class kip asking dem question aftr questions until we ran out of time...haha...
wah finally azri show his feeling AGAIN...yeah..so no prize 4 guessing hu...haha...like everybody 'dunnoe'...hahaha...
darn...d ncc affirmation ceremony is on thurdae...was invited...bt like i can 'so make it' on dt dae...dts y i hate my timetable man...ESPECIALLY THURSDAY...mz wait 4 2.5 hrs for dt miserable p.e. lesson
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 5:52 PM:.
now my powerpoint slides all jam..tmr dateline 4 d project..like fuck man...
all my hardwork have 2 be re do...
wat d hell...nw i cnt even start my PI....
d new blogger SUX 2 D CORE man....
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 3:16 PM:.