jz 2 daez bck from negeri sembilan...
d highlight of whole triip is course d Homestay Programme...
sum1 of places plannd were cancel..
like d chocs factory trip...bcz d factory close on dt thursdae..
hw unlucky...or i rather sae nt unlucky..
dt vri much sae abt d ttravelling agent actuali..
d homestay proggrame is definitely 2 short man..
3DAYS 2 NITES is not enough man..
i gt d real deal frm d trip man..
reeli stayed in a real kampong house...
bathing in groundwater...
all in all..d homestay was gr8..
d villagers r jz fantastic...
i'm sure if we were given more freedom we cn explore d kampong more...
like going 2 d natural unexploited waterfall,jungle trekking,nitewalk at d cemeteries...
surely dis progrmme is nt 4 dose pple hu cnt stnd gttng dirty one bit...
dis is especially 4 d rugged and advnturous ones...
nt for dose hu cnt gt dirty,muddy & shriek at evry little wild stuff..
well, a picture speaks a thousand words...
d family

my house dere..

our toilet...definitely nt for dose hu cnt stand d olden ways...

our bedroom

d mock wedding..of course i'm nt d groom..haha


of course dere's more..bt well...find out urself lah..lazilah..
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 4:33 PM:.
i'm a fallen soldier...
fallen frm my battle ....
in a battle where onli d best survive...
2 d rest hu survived,well done...
nw go on n fight d final battle...
i'm a wounded soldier...wounded but not dead...i may have lost d battle...bt d war is nt over...chowz::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 6:34 PM:.
i tink its quite irritating
a few times encounterd dis incidences...
i sure alot of pple cnt stand it also...
1)pple spitting on pathway dt everyone's walking...
nt dt i nvr spit b4..
except dt
at least spit at d drain or grass patch where at least no one's walking dere...
i'm sure dis pple sure swear like hell if dey were 2 step on sum1's spit...
2)pple toking so loudly as if dey r shouting on deir hp..or beside deir fren
cum on ..no one wan 2 hear wt u r toking...
toking like d place s diers..damn irritating..
esp wen evry1's staring at dem
i shall stop here..chowz
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:58 PM:.
well,tmr i'll gt my promotional status..
i dunnoe man..
wt if i'm promoted??
part of me wants to gt promoted..
another part of me sae i bttr stay s J1..
so dt i cn gt my basics right..
haiz..I dunnoe..we c lah hw tmr...
hopefully i cn go sentosa tmr..well....
mondae had class bbq..
went wif minyi since gt direct bus frm wdl..
together wif valerie n petrina(same bus)
wen we reach dere,to our surprise no one was at the pit..
d guys tuk like 4hrs 2 reach dere..haha
fud arrive ard 4..
naz order a fw tings..
buffolo wings...wt d hell is dt?since wen buffolo gt wings?haha
onli 4 my slow mind 2 noe dt its jz chix wingz..
quite funlah i cn sae..
excpt dt i hav 2 sae,d food is i tink nt much as compared s d bbq we hd b4..
onli 6 guys ton..we tok crap..
dn go t play lan..until shop closes..
by wic my buttcheeks is reeli damn painful..
my thigh muscle reeli strained..
all because of cycling...
man i 4gt hw much i luv cycling dt d moment i gt my bike i was damn excitd dt i cycle as hard s i cn 4gtting dt my legs havnt bin warmd up...
actuali gt alot mre excitng stuffs 2 sae..
bt i lazi...well
bt overall i tink it was gud..
i tink the movie the game plan is gud..
d chemistry btwn the rock n d child is reeli dere..
the rock is reeli a gud actor..
n d focus of d movie is reeli well understand..
nt surprising dt she cried..hehe
one of d best movie dt i watchd so far dis yr..
i dun mind watching it again...
"Stupid is a bad word"N9 trip is juz
11 days 2 go..wuhoo...
quite excitd abt it...
i havent prepared my stuffs man..s in 2 buy clothings etc...
haiz..$ problms..haiz...
i tot my room was damn messy...until....hahaha::
.:So Long & Goodnite FU**er blogged on 8:35 PM:.